Illustration by Rose Caporaletti

These clubs and organizations give women an opportunity to connect with like-minded people and create community around common interests. 

Ignite at Temple U
Ignite is a national organization committed to building the next generation of women civic and political leaders. The Temple chapter offers networking opportunities, community engagement events and professional support. 

Mise-en-Femme encourages female filmmakers—including writers, producers, directors and editors—to work with one another and gain knowledge and experience in the industry. They also offer workshops with guest speakers, film screenings and networking opportunities for members to meet female filmmakers working in the field.

Women of Color Creatives
This organization aims to create a safe space for women of color who have interest in art, music, literature, dance and other creative fields. Workshop discussions are held frequently with topics about setting goals and networking. The group also aims to offer scholarship and grant opportunities through their membership newsletters and social media. Catch Women of Color Creatives working in the Temple community as well as around the city!

Music majors and nonmusic majors alike are welcome to join Singchronize, Temple's first and only all-female a cappella group. 

Sports Media Society for Women
The sports media landscape has been dominated by males for years. The goal of the Sports Media Society for Women is to promote and increase diversity through mentoring initiatives and networking events. This past fall a tour of Lincoln Financial Field along with a panel of Eagles production crew members (most of them Temple alumni!) was sponsored by the group. Through Klein College of Media and Communication, the organization aims to set up multiple events where Temple University alumni and professionals are guest speakers, giving members access to possible connections beyond graduation. This group is also open to men. 

Women in Medicine
Women in Medicine is committed to motivating future female doctors and practitioners, who have historically been underrepresented in the healthcare and medical fields, by providing opportunities for networking, mentorship and community service.

Women in Finance
The group with arguably the best abbreviation (WiFi) aims to provide opportunities for women who are business majors. Student-run workshops are held to give women the chance to network with female industry leaders who speak about their experiences.

Society of Women Engineers 
Through development programs, networking opportunities and scholarships, Temple's chapter of this national organization encourages women to achieve their goals of advancing in engineering. 

Association for Computing Machinery Women's Chapter
Are you a tech buff? Look no further than the Association for Computing Machinery Women's Chapter. Join a community of women in technology where you can learn from and encourage each other, bond, network, and discuss ideas. Multiple workshops are held for members to work on their resumes, interview skills, writing skills and job fair confidence.

Women in Dentistry
Like Women in Medicine, this organization aims to advance, connect and enrich the lives of women dentists. The group offers a plethora of opportunities and programs for women in the dentistry field. Women in Dentistry follow their core values which include passion, respect, integrity, service, mentoring, advancement, teamwork, inclusiveness and collegiality!

-Matthew Aquino and Kirsten Volkert