The fall semester is flying by! Now that we're halfway through, let's do a quick mid-semester check-in. How are you? If the answer is burnt out, you're in the right place. While you've made it through midterms, there are still a few weeks left. Beat the burnout before it begins by taking control of your workload and personal well-being with our guide.

Break up with procrastination

Midterm projects and exams have been submitted, and at this point, an empty Canvas calendar would be a dream come true. While we aren't quite there yet, tackling your tasks doesn't have to feel daunting. 

With burnout comes procrastination. In order to beat it, break up your assignments into smaller doses. For example, if a project is due at the end of the week, take 20 minutes a day to work on it. Believe it or not, those 20 minutes will add up to the 2 hours you would have to commit to finishing it the night before. Dedicating your time to assignments in smaller chunks will relieve you of feeling overwhelmed, and before you know it, your workload will feel that much lighter. 

Fall in love with nature 

Before it gets too cold, spend some time outside by visiting Temple's Ambler Campus this fall. Take yourself on a self-guided tour and explore Ambler's 187-acre arboretum. The arboretum features numerous gardens and stunning outdoor scenery. Immersing yourself in nature will leave you feeling refreshed and reset for the remainder of the semester.

A moment for mindfulness

Burnout can feel all-consuming both mentally and physically. Finish off your day relaxed by relieving stress with Temple's Goodnight Yoga class. This beginner-level class takes place at the IBC Recreation Center Mondays, 8-8:50 p.m. Taking the time to unwind and engage in mindfulness will leave you with better sleep and higher energy for the days ahead. 

Connect with your community

Stepping away from your to-do list is not only beneficial but essential. Take time off and connect with your fellow owls at Active Minds, a student organization providing safe and uplifting support, focusing on mental health advocacy. Some upcoming Active Minds events include a Movie Night and Don't Fret, Pet social

If you are in need of further support, visit Temple's Wellness Resource Center (WRC). The WRC provides programs focusing on stress management, peer education and wellness consultations. In addition to WRC, Tuttleman Counseling Services offers mental health support for students, including one-on-one and group therapy services.


—Avery Bumsted, Class of 2025