Hi! My name is Anacia Macon and I am a junior Psychology major! I was previously pre-dental until about a year ago so I know quite a bit about this field. Currently, I am interested in pursuing a career in Forensic Psychology or I-O Psychology. Outside of academics, I am involved in quite a bit of activities. I have served two years as a Peer Instructor for Honors' REACT, I have been a HATT for two years as well. I recently joined a Developmental Psychology Lab run by Peter Marshall. In addition, I currently hold an internship with the Undergraduate Research Program here at Temple! I value investing in myself both inside and outside the classroom. During my free time, I love exploring center city and getting my favorite meal combo of sushi and boba :). If you love trying new food and taking pictures around the city as much as I do, feel free to contact me so we can talk! Most importantly, I am here to make your lives a bit easier, one step at a time :) I look forward to meeting you guys!