Hey! My name is Giuliana Bucci and I am a sophomore biology major with a public health minor. I'm originally from Towson, Maryland which is about two hours away from Philly! Choosing Temple and being apart of the Temple Honors Community has allowed me to gain close relationships with my professors since the class sizes are smaller and more personal. Especially being on the pre-medical track, honors has allowed me to gain the research opportunity that I have today at Jefferson University in Center City. The close-knit community that I find myself fitting easily into has given me the roommates and friends that I have today. Along with my classes, I am also the social co-chair for a pre-health organization called Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) which offers community service and community opportunities for pre-health students. I am also an active member in AMSA (American Medical Student Association). When I have free time, I love to find a good breakout room to practice piano or check out some of the food trucks around campus. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!!