Hi! My name is Kevin, and I'm from Gloucester Township, NJ, so Philadelphia has virtually been in my backyard all my life! I love being a student here at Temple because of the diverse and creative student population, as well as the fact that I get to live in the city and enjoy the culture that it has to offer. I am a Journalism major who wants to go into professional broadcasting. Here on campus, I am involved with Temple University Television, which broadcasts all of Temple's student-run TV shows! Recently, I have been the weather anchor for Temple Update News. In my free time, I create videos for YouTube and other social media platforms, several of which I have entered into film festivals and other contests. As well as this, I am an avid distance runner and I train for races in the Philadelphia area. Being part of the Temple Honors program has allowed me to meet new friends and it has shown me how to navigate and make the most of college life! Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about student orgs, the Honors program, or anything else about the college experience!