Hey! I'm Tanishka Shah, a sophomore Environmental Engineering major. I also have a minor in Ecological planning and design which I am really enjoying. I'm an international student from India, but Philly is kind of growing on me. Especially the museums! OMG I LOVE THE MUSEUMS!! And the zoo!! Alongside being a Honors Student Worker and an obvious nature fanatic, I'm also an undergraduate research assistant at the College of Engineering working with water, chemicals, and a lot of fascinating machines. My ideal day would be hiking into the midst of the forest, exploring the wild, and perhaps spontaneously camping overnight!!! My dream is to travel to all the Disney lands and Disney Worlds  around the world at least once. Right now, I'm one down. I've always wanted a pet dog, but my family never allowed us to have one, so if you would like to show off your pretty pet dogs or any pets I'm always ready!!