Hi everyone! My name is Ginger (she/her) and I'm a first-year Biology major on a pre-dental track! Specifically, I'm part of Temple's 3+4 Accelerated Dental program. I'm from a small town in North Jersey called Montclair which is about an hour and a half drive from campus! In addition to the dental program, what drew me to Temple was the diverse student body, the incredible academic and professional opportunities available on and off campus, and the opportunity to be a part of the amazing Honors program! On campus I'm involved with the Pre-Dental Society, the Operation Smile chapter, and Jewkebox, Temple's Jewish-Affiliated acapella group. In my spare time, I love to read, crochet, thrift, and play guitar! l've really loved being a part of the Honors program, and have met some of my closest friends from living in the Honors LLC! If you have any questions about being a biology major, a pre-dental student, a student in an accelerated health program, or anything else, please feel free to reach out! (I always appreciate a good book recommendation, especially historical fiction, and I love learning about new places to check out in Philly!)